Papers on Education & Technology
2008 Picturing Technological Change: The Materiality of Information Infrastructures in Public Education. Technology, Pedagogy and Education 17 (2): 89-101.
2006 The New American School: Preparation for Post-Industrial Discipline. British Journal of Sociology of Education 27 (5): 617-631 (with Aaron Kupchik).
2005 The School System as a Post-Fordist Organization: Fragmented Centralization and the Emergence of IT Specialists. Critical Sociology 31 (4): 583-616.
2004 Technology Policy as a Stealth Agent of Global Change. Globalisation, Societies and Education 2 (3): 355-376.
2004 Just Another Tool? IT Pedagogy and the Commodification of Education. The Urban Review 36 (4): 271-292.
2004 Digital Art Worlds: Technology and Productions of Value in Art Education. Foundations in Art: Theory and Education in Review 26: 7-15.
2002 Flexible Space & Built Pedagogy: Emerging IT Embodiments. Inventio 4 (1):1-19.
2002 Hot Technologies on Every Pillow: The Discursive Development of Institutional Change. Radical Pedagogy 4 (1).
2001 The Analog Divide: Technology Practices in Public Education. Computers & Society 31 (3):22-31.
2000 Built Pedagogies & Technology Practices: Designing for Participatory Learning. PDC 2000.
Review of writing on Built Pedagogy.